Argument Ev
Situation Delta switched from technologies using fossil fuels to ones using electricity. It has been asked whether this results in less fossil fuel used per level of output. The answer is that it does.
Reasoning What roles do the two boldfaced portions play in the argument? The first
boldfaced statement is simply asserted by the passage; no premise, or reason, is given to support it. But the second boldfaced statement, when it is first
introduced, is not asserted to be true, but rather is identified as something that might be inferred from the first statement. By the end of the passage the argument concludes that the second statement is true.
A. This option simply reverses the roles that the statements play in the argument.
B. Correct. This option identifies the roles the boldfaced portions play: The second statement is not, on its own, the conclusion, because the argument initially merely asks whether it can be concluded on the basis of the first statement (that is, it asks whether the first boldface statement provides support for it). The conclusion of the argument is actually the statement The answer, clearly, is yes. The word yes is
elliptical for Yes, it can be concluded that for a given level of output, Delta’s operation now causes less fossil fuel to be consumed than it did formerly. The boldface portion
tells us what can be concluded, and thus it can accurately be described as the content of the conclusion.
C. Nothing in the passage is intended to support the first statement; and the second statement is not supposed to call the first into question.
D. This correctly identifies the role of the first statement, but the second boldfaced portion does not call the argument’s conclusion into question—it is part of a sentence that refers to the question whether that conclusion can be drawn from the first
E. Again, this is only half right. The second boldfaced portion is not offered as support for the conclusion; if it were offered as such support, the argument would be guilty of
circular reasoning, since the second boldfaced portion states exactly what the argument concludes.

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